To everyone visiting my website thank you ! 

If you are reading this your are probably struggling with sleep, no one ever calls me when they are having a good time ! 

Is now the right time to tackle my little ones sleep

Is my little one the right age to work at sleep


Both these questions are how most of my conversations begin with a tired parent

There is never a right time , the time is only right when you feel your quality of your day to day life is being impacted by the quality and quantity of sleep you are getting .

If you feel, tearful, emotional, your self esteem and confidence is slowly fading away, you are arguing with your partner ( you haven’t shared a room for months !), you dread going out, you can’t bear to hear one more parent tell you how well their child sleeps then the time has probably come to think about managing your little ones sleep !

‘I can’t bear the thought of leaving my little one to cry it out ‘

I definitely cannot promise no crying but I will promise to come up with plan that you feel is the right one for you and your family . I always try to make any sleep training we do as gentle as possible , I don’t promote putting your children to bed, walking out of their room and leaving them to scream until they go to sleep.

Sebastien is now 18 months and is doing really well.  I feel we have such a strong connexion. Part of the reason why we are so happy is precisely the work we have done with him to help him sleep and to control the reflux (which I think has now disappeared!). The hard work was worth every second and putting the time and effort in making everything we could to help him become a confident little toddler was definitely the right way forward. I’m not saying we are perfect; he often still needs us in the night but it is so much easier than it was and we have built his and ours confidence through the process. So again, a thousand thanks for accompanying us through the core of the first year and half.

I guess a lot of parents tell you how precious your support has been through difficult sleep deprivation times. I wanted to let you know as I say good bay that I am ever so grateful and so is my husband. Hope you carry on helping many more families.’

About Linda

I completed my training at Norland Nursery College in Hungerford qualifying as a nursery nurse in 1983, later going on to train as a hospital play specialist.

As a nanny and maternity nurse all my charges slept well. I have three children of my own and none of them were good sleepers. I now have total empathy with families whose children do not sleep.

I am passionate about parenting and feel it is all to easy to lose your way as a parent. Parenting first and foremost should be fun.

The Sleep Lady

After more than 35 years working with the NHS and in education, I began to work independently with families here in Edinburgh in 2003. The success of the methods I use has now spread to the four corners of the world.

I help concerned parents with all aspects of parenting: new baby routines, faddy eaters, toilet training, temper tantrums, weaning and shyness.

Most of my work with families starts with a sleep issue.

The name, the Sleep Lady, was given to me by one of the little girls I worked with. I phoned to speak to her mother and she called to her mother shouting “mummy, it’s my sleep lady!”

I contribute regularly to The Scotsman newspaper, Scotland Parent magazine, The Edinburgh Childcare and School Guide and have appeared on BBC Scotland TV and radio. I also contribute to the Gina Ford Contended Baby website.

Comments from happy parents

“This is a very belated attempt to put into words how thankful we are to you for your work with us last year. We came to you at the limits of our sanity with Emily clearly in pain and not settling at all, and with the local ‘official’ avenues for help not willing to do anything with us. Within a week of putting into action your plan Emily had already started to show improvement. One revolution was the advice to separate the use of Gaviscon and Ranitidine. Your regular consultations and on-call support gave us the confidence to tackle Emily’s issues and establish the routines we still have in place today. Emily has grown into the bright happy girl that was hidden by the pain of reflux. She often rolls over when put down for a nap and almost instantly drops off to sleep. Grace is also doing well and we still use the bedtime routines you suggested for her.

To put it simply we could not be the happy family we are without you. THANK YOU!”

“Whatever your reasons for contacting Linda, sleep problems; potty training; eating problems; tantrums, she has the most wonderful reassuring way of making you feel, very quickly, that everything will be alright and your sanity will soon be restored. I relaxed as soon as Linda walked in the door”

“Linda looks at each child individually, and emphasises that all babies are different”

“I was permanently exhausted, couldn’t cope in the day and dreaded night times.  During the course of a two-hour consultation, Linda examined our case and drew up an action plan”

“If you are not happy at leaving your baby to cry, Linda will work with you explaining the positive and negative aspects of her tactics, which are based on her many years of experience”

“Linda has a very gently manner and is very approachable and makes you feel completely at ease.”

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